Strategic Imperative

Will YOUR Organization Survive the IoT and Edge Transformation?

  • Strategic
  • Growth
  • The Yellow Brick
  • Transformational

Strategic Imperatives For IoT and Edge


Leveraging the convergence of Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain by capitalizing on the right disruptive technologies to empower enhanced data collection and processing.


Developing innovative business models in the business-to-business (B2B) segment which imbibe multi-access edge computing from telecom and cloud service providers to build recurring revenue pipelines.


Overcoming the challenges of embedded computing by developing end-to-end, holistic solutions that leverage strategic partnerships and acquisitions to enhance portfolios.


How do you shift from where you are to what you want to become? How do you fill the gap?

Based on those strategic imperatives the gap between where you are now and where you need to be to achieve transformational growth is daunting.


Growth Opportunities in IoT and Edge

IoT in Automotive

IoT in Automotives

Elevating customer experience (CX) through IoT enabled automated response in emergencies like road accidents in an era of electric and autonomous mobility.


LPWAN for Smart Cities

Securing agreements with regulatory bodies and manufacturers to build solutions that leverage low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) connectivity/ modules in smart city applications like smart parking, smart traffic systems, waste management, and pollution control.

5G-based Ecosystems for Telcos, IoT Application Providers, and Blockchain Providers to Collaborate

Exploring innovative business opportunities that arise from network slicing, data monetization, dynamic applications, blockchain, automation, and smart contracts to supercharge existing enterprise processes.

Data analytics

Retail Analytics and Security

Unlocking the potential of LPWAN technology to deliver differentiated retail offerings like in-store security, real-time merchandise monitoring, anti-theft devices, monitoring transport conditions in supply chains, and smart buttons for ordering consumer goods and tracking customer satisfaction.

Frost RadarTM

Benchmarking Your Future Growth Potential

Our work is focused exclusively on identifying the growth opportunities of the future and evaluating companies that are best positioned to take advantage of them. The Frost Radar™ is a robust analytical tool that allows us to evaluate companies across two key indices: their focus on continuous innovation and their ability to translate their innovations into consistent growth.

To discover how you benchmark
against competition


Measure with The Growth
& Innovation Index

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2023 Company of the Year Award- Multi-Access Edge Computing, Global

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2022 Company of the Year Award—IoT Hardware, Global

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2022 Technology Innovation Leadership Award—Embedded Computing Technology, Global

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2022 Technology Innovation Leadership Award-—Global Edge Computing, Global

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KORE Wireless

2022 Competitive Strategy Leadership Award—Internet of Things Professional Services, Global

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Global Network-as-a-Service
Growth Opportunities in Global IoT and Edge

Will IoT be the next frontier to maximize agricultural productivity?

Technology Strategies in Global IoT and Edge

How to leverage IoT to track sustainability metrices and achieve your ESG goals?

Metaverse Impact life
Growth Opportunities in Global IoT and Edge

Which disruptive IoT technologies enable the futuristic Metaverse?

Competitive Strategy in Global IoT and Edge

Is your industrial network and tech stack equipped to leverage digital twins?

Technology Strategies in Global IoT and Edge

How to protect your IoT network and devices from cyber risks?

Companies2Action in Global IoT and Edge

Will smart home entertainment systems spur revolutionary growth in mass IoT?

connectivity strategy
New Product Development in Global IoT and Edge

How to monetize your private network investments in industrial ecosystems?

CX to the next level
Customer Strategy in Global IoT and Edge

Is your company ready to move CX to the next level to boost top-line growth?

connected enterprises
Customer Strategy in Global IoT and Edge

Which technologies do IoT decision makers prioritize to conquer growth barriers?

Vertical Market Expansion in Global IoT and Edge

How will multi-access edge computing reshape the global automotive ecosystem?

mobile payments
Companies2Action in Global IoT and Edge

Which IoT start-ups drive transformation in Business and Financial Services?


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Building Trust with Next-Gen IoT Solutions: New Growth Opportunities Sparked by Evolving Customer Priorities

How Are Disruptive Security Technologies and Emerging Business Models Impacting the Future of Internet of Things (IoT)?

The accelerated permeation of connected devices into various industries is spurring a seismic shift in the global IoT and Edge ecosystem. Rapid technological advancements and transformative megatrends are intensifying the pressure on providers to develop customizable IoT platforms, modular components, intelligent devices, and artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled solutions with secure authentication protocols. Moreover, with vast amounts of data generated across organizations, providers are racing to transition from selling pure-play hardware and devices, towards offering more holistic IoT services and business models. Further, as customers progress on their IoT journeys –moving from internal deployments, proof of concept, and prototyping to fully integrated IoT across core services and products – the following benefits are influencing technology decisions across different industries:

  • Manufacturing: Automating manual processes, optimizing on-site operations, and boosting customer service.
  • Healthcare: Improving environmental, social, and governance (ESG) compliance; optimizing field operations; and improving employee safety.
  • Energy and Utilities: Automation, enhancing customer service and experience, and maximizing employee safety.
  • Banking, Finance, Insurance (BFI): Optimizing operations, improving ESG compliance, and augmenting customer experience.
  • Retail and Wholesale: Improving ESG compliance, automating manual processes, and improving employee safety.

As a result, IoT continues to demonstrate its versatility in driving innovation across industries – from personal devices (smartphones, tablets, and watches) to complex industrial applications (smart factories, telehealth, intelligent agriculture, and smart grid management). But without a clearly defined strategy, the right technology integrations, and robust connectivity, organizations’ IoT realities will fail to match their ambitions Which business models will strengthen your organization’s IoT portfolio and growth pipeline?

Click here to learn more about evolving customer perspectives in IoT and Edge technologies.

Tracking Customer Perceptions: IoT Investment Plans Unveile
Frost & Sullivan finds that:

  • In 2024, IT and business decision-makers expect to allocate 2% – 4.9% of their total budgets for technology investments in IoT.
  • Improving customer experience, growing revenue, and maximizing operational efficiency emerge as the top 3 objectives for IoT decision makers.
  • Businesses in regions like the Asia Pacific (APAC), Europe, and Latin America (LATAM) expect to prioritize cellular IoT low power wide area networks (LPWAN), while firms across North America (NA) are more likely to rely on traditional cellular networks for wireless connectivity.

How will your teams track and analyze changing IoT preferences and investment strategies to better address evolving customer needs?

Click here to learn more


Tackling Challenges and Complexities Associated with IoT Adoption

With the global IoT device footprint projected to reach 73.8 billion devices by 2027, the intricacy of orchestrating IoT architecture, networking, and big data analytics to achieve desired business outcomes is fervently growing. Consequently, telcos and global system integrators (GSIs) are collaborating with customers to simplify IoT deployments and mitigate the following growth challenges:

  • Maintaining adequate security and data protection
  • Minimizing the complexity of system integration.
  • Establishing standards and interoperability across platforms.
  • Addressing governance
  • Tapping into the potential of big data through improved data processing and management.

Which growth strategies and collaborative partnerships will help you identify and implement IoT best practices to thwart these challenges?

Click here to learn more about evolving customer perspectives in IoT and Edge technologies.

Capitalizing on IoT Growth Opportunities that Emerge from Changing Customer Perspectives

As more companies embrace the IoT revolution, providers must find innovative ways to differentiate themselves amid rising competitive intensity. By harnessing disruptive technologies, delivering innovative business models, prioritizing security, and developing value-added services, they can carve out a unique niche in an increasingly saturated ecosystem. Further focusing on the following growth opportunities can enable providers to future-proof their IoT growth pipelines:

  • Devising Innovative Cybersecurity Strategies: Developing comprehensive action plans to protect connected devices and operational technology (OT) against cyber risks and attack vectors. Additionally integrating AI, machine learning (ML), blockchain, and cloud-based security platforms to automate network/device/application security.
  • Harnessing Industrial IoT (IIOT): Delivering radio network infrastructure equipment, edge computing hardware, IoT/cloud solutions, and software platforms for device and application management in industrial settings, thereby accelerating innovation in autonomous mobile robots (AMRs), industrial automation, manufacturing cobots, and connected factories.
  • Leveraging Advancements in LPWAN Modules: Creating solutions that offer easy, fast, and cost-efficient ways to securely connect a large number of devices, thereby developing massive IoT solutions for asset tracking, remote monitoring, smart metering, vehicle-to-everything (V2X), agriculture, and smart cities.
  • Delivering Immersive Experiences: Investing in linking the metaverse and real-world objects with smart sensors, semiconductors, and enhanced chips, thereby improving user experience, analytics, and efficiencies in digital twin applications, computer vision, extended reality (XR) devices, and industrial metaverse.
  • Maximizing Sustainability with IoT: Collaborating with enterprises to understand their ESG targets and leveraging IoT devices, cloud-based analytics, monitoring platforms, and process frameworks to improve tracking and management of carbon emissions, circular initiatives, operational conditions, and sustainability metrics.

Is your growth team equipped to identify the most lucrative opportunities that drive success amid the ongoing IoT revolution?

Click here to learn more about growth opportunities in IoT and Edge technologies.

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the growth pipeline company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class industry positioning in terms of innovation and leadership. The company’s ‘Growth Pipeline-as-a-Service’ provides corporate management teams with transformational strategies and best-practice models that catalyze growth opportunity generation, evaluation, and implementation. Let us coach you on your transformational journey, while we actively support you in fostering collaborative initiatives within the global IoT ecosystem. This journey is fueled by four powerful components, ensuring your success in navigating dynamic business and industry landscapes.

  • Schedule a Growth Dialog with our team to dive deeper into transformational strategies and explore specific needs within your company.
  • Become a Frost Growth Expert in your area of specialization and share your expertise and passion with the community through our think tanks.
  • Join Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Council and become an integral member of a dynamic community focused on identifying growth opportunities and addressing critical challenges that influence industries.
  • Designate your company as a Companies to Action to maximize your exposure to investors, new M&A opportunities, and other growth prospects.

Click here to learn more about evolving customer perspectives in IoT and Edge technologies.

Click here to learn more about growth opportunities in IoT and Edge technologies.



Leveraging the Frost RadarTM to Foster Competitive Advantages in the IoT and Edge Ecosystem

How Will You Maximize Your Growth Leveraging Advancements in IoT and Edge Technologies?

The future of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge computing is being reshaped by several disruptive technologies, each contributing to a landscape that is more interconnected, intelligent, and responsive than ever before. Today, enhanced sensors, chipsets, connectivity modules, processing power, and management platforms are facilitating better precision, automation, and safety across industries through:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Enabling IoT platforms to analyze data, predict downtime, automate repetitive tasks, and take autonomous actions, without human intervention.
  • Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC): Combining distributed computing, storage, and software-defined networking, thereby improving the performance of mission-critical applications, and enabling Edge AI.
  • Next-Generation Connectivity: Facilitating lower latency and real-time data processing through 5G public and private networks, Wi-Fi 6 networks, and fiber networks.
  • IoT Security Technologies: Safeguarding IoT data, devices, communication networks, applications, and transactions leveraging decentralized blockchain technologies, innovative cybersecurity solutions, and cloud-based security platforms.

Advancements in these technologies combined with industry convergence and new business models are transforming the entire IoT ecosystem – from hardware providers and software developers, to managed service providers and connectivity companies. This is making it increasingly complex for customers to keep pace with dynamic regulatory standards, data management best practices, and cybersecurity frameworks. Now, comprehensive competitive benchmarking of providers in IoT and Edge technologies is paramount for industry incumbents to adapt to evolving industry dynamics and facilitate robust IoT orchestration.

Are Your Teams Ready to Harness Competitive Benchmarking to Accelerate IoT and MEC Innovation?

The expansion of IoT and MEC is unlocking new possibilities for enterprises to enhance operations and make more informed decisions. This is helping businesses bridge operational gaps, accelerate digital transformation, and capitalize on new growth opportunities – from Industrial IoT (IIoT), remote monitoring, and digital twins to cellular IoT, Edge-as-a-Service (EaaS), and smart buildings.

Moreover, as technologists strive to automate IoT solutions, bolster security, and integrate cutting-edge AI and ML functionalities, robust competitive analysis can help them accelerate growth and innovation by:

  • Identifying optimal partnership strategies and application ecosystems that empower organizations to minimize the costs and implementation challenges associated with IoT, while testing innovative solutions in emerging technologies like 5G RedCap and Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs).
  • Helping businesses seamlessly integrate information technology (IT) with operations technology (OT) leveraging IoT connectivity platforms, resultantly simplifying IoT management and security.
  • Analyzing the return on investment (ROI) potential of embracing disruptive technologies like big data analytics, 5G, generative AI (GenAI), and embedded SIM (eSIM) devices.
  • Implementing best practices to facilitate the development of innovative MEC applications/services to mobile subscribers, enterprises, and vertical segments, thereby minimizing the risk of network failures and data center outages.
  • Examining innovative growth strategies and competitor profiles to strengthen product, solution, and service differentiation in the expanding IoT and Edge ecosystem.

Which growth processes and analytical tools will help your strategists implement best practices in IoT and Edge technologies?

Frost RadarTM: Your Guide to Long-Term Growth Amid the IoT and Edge Transformation

Given the advantages outlined above, Frost Radar™ emerges as an ideal tool for your organization’s competitive benchmarking endeavors. It analyzes various providers and identifies companies that are best positioned to seize emerging growth opportunities in IoT and Edge technologies. Using ten qualitative and quantitative parameters, this tool assesses providers across two key indices:

  • Growth Index – measuring company performance by exploring parameters like revenue growth, vision and strategy, growth pipeline, sales and customer experience, and industry penetration rates.
  • Innovation Index – measuring the ability to develop products/services/solutions with a clear understanding of ecosystemic transformation by assessing factors like innovation scalability, research and development, product portfolio, megatrend leverage, and customer alignment.

Are You Familiar with Key Industry Players Revolutionizing IoT Managed Connectivity Platforms?

Frost RadarTM: IoT Managed Connectivity Platforms

The multifaceted IoT ecosystem comprises of hardware providers, software/application/platform developers, IT and OT companies, managed service providers, connectivity vendors, telecom operators, and cloud providers, all working in tandem to empower smart devices.

As enterprises grapple to keep pace with this complex ecosystem, IoT platforms present a solid foundation on which innovative solutions can be built, deployed, and managed. But emerging IoT functionalities like eSIM and API support, lifecycle management, real-time alerts, diagnostics, end-to-end security, identity control, and network authentication highlight the need for businesses to first evaluate the size and complexity of their IoT deployments.

From more than 1000 global IoT platform providers, Frost & Sullivan has identified the top 10 that exhibit exceptional growth and innovation in IoT managed connectivity. Download this Frost RadarTM for comprehensive intelligence on these companies, spanning competitive strategies, best practices, growth/innovation metrices, and technology differentiators.

This Frost RadarTM focuses on IoT connectivity and device management platforms. It excludes companies whose platforms focus mainly on data management, application management, infrastructure, infrastructure-as-a-service backends, and security. These functions may, however, are included in managed connectivity platforms as well.


About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the growth pipeline company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class industry positioning in terms of innovation and leadership. The company’s ‘Growth Pipeline-as-a-Service’ provides corporate management teams with transformational strategies and best-practice models that catalyze growth opportunity generation, evaluation, and implementation. Let us coach you on your transformational journey, while we actively support you in fostering collaborative initiatives within the global IoT and Edge ecosystem. This journey is fueled by four powerful components, ensuring your success in navigating dynamic business and industry landscapes.

  • Schedule a Growth Dialog with our team to dive deeper into transformational strategies and explore specific needs within your company.
  • Become a Frost Growth Expert in your area of specialization and share your expertise and passion with the community through our think tanks.
  • Join Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Council and become an integral member of a dynamic community focused on identifying growth opportunities and addressing critical challenges that influence industries.
  • Designate your company as a Companies to Action to maximize your exposure to investors, new M&A opportunities, and other growth prospects.

Embracing the Edge: How Emerging Mega Trends and Disruptive Technologies Redefine Innovation in IoT

Unleashing the power of IoT for business transformation

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Internet of Things (IoT), emerging mega trends and the convergence of industries is reshaping the very fabric of innovation. As technology advances and boundaries between sectors blur, the traditional notion of IoT is being redefined, opening-up new possibilities and opportunities for global businesses to optimize operations, maximize productivity, and automate workflows. From the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to the proliferation of multi-access edge computing (MEC), connected devices, and the exponential growth of data, this convergence is revolutionizing how business processes, systems, devices, data, and people communicate – Are your teams equipped to harness the power of IoT to fuel innovation and unlock the full potential of data-driven insights?

Now, the addition of blockchain’s decentralized recordkeeping and tokenization is poised to enhance distributed data collection and processing that characterized traditional IoT applications. Further, IoT, combined with advancements in edge data centres and private 5G networks is set to accelerate digital transformation and the race to Industry 4.0—from enabling real-time data analysis, intelligent decision-making at the edge, predictive maintenance, and energy optimization to empowering smart manufacturing, automation, and immersive technologies Amid this revolution, which growth opportunities will empower your organization to maximize the ROI on your IoT and Edge investments?

Overcoming Hurdles on your IoT Journey

Before capitalizing on the promised benefits of IoT, businesses and enterprises are confronted with the task of navigating a progressively intricate ecosystem, wrought with barriers like the complexity of system integration, decoding big data, interoperability with legacy systems, and the rising cost of connectivity. Further, as organizations increase their dependence on new technologies, they face the added challenge of securing their most strategic asset- data, against cyber risks. This makes growth in IoT increasingly difficult to achieve.

  • What strategies will your organization implement to navigate internal and external challenges in this sector?
  • Are your teams aligned to execute your long-term IoT vision through agile strategic planning, and what steps can you take to guarantee scalability?
  • How will your team identify best-fit technologies, tools, applications, and use cases to future-proof growth?

Failure to embrace the IoT and Edge revolution could leave businesses at a significant disadvantage, impeding their ability to remain competitive and adapt to changing industry dynamics, making them victims of this transformation, rather than victors.

Navigating the Digital Frontier: Embracing Next-Gen IoT and Edge Strategies

The accelerated permeation of connected devices into various industries consequentially spurs a seismic shift in the IoT provider landscape. Gone are the days when customers were solely interested in standalone IoT devices. This implies that simply offering hardware or basic connectivity is no longer sufficient.  Further, the diversification of IoT applications is intensifying the pressure on providers to develop customizable platforms, modular components, and AI-enabled, end-to-end solutions with secure authentication protocols. Now, traditional solutions and siloed IoT devices are insufficient to service tomorrow’s digital enterprises How will your teams build a robust software, tools, and services ecosystem strategy to better serve customers?

As IoT and Edge computing continues to reshape industries and drive digital transformation, the role of IoT providers, developers, embedded computing systems vendors, and network infrastructure providers becomes increasingly critical. To meet and exceed customer expectations, these stakeholders must adapt with agility to changing customer demands across new verticals. Strategic partnerships will be crucial for telcos and providers to launch holistic solution portfolios that position them at the forefront of this transformation.

  • Which collaboration strategies will empower telcos, technology firms, and IoT start-ups to accelerate innovation?
  • How are IoT business models evolving, and what strategies will you use to monetize these?

Are You Ready to Evaluate Your IoT and Edge Alignment and Transform Your Business?

To navigate evolving business ecosystems, companies across the ICT continuum must identify and overcome crucial growth barriers. The key to success is finding the right opportunities that align with your growth vision and implementing the best-fit strategies. Frost & Sullivan has over six decades of experience in connecting global mega trends, emerging technologies, and new business models to drive radical growth. We help companies identify, evaluate, and prioritize best-fit opportunities that empower them to thrive through change.

Let us guide you through your transformation journey by working collaboratively with the ecosystem community of companies in the IoT and Edge continuum. This journey is fuelled by four powerful components, ensuring your success in navigating industry changes:

  • Schedule a Growth Dialog with our team to dive deeper into transformational strategies and explore specific needs within your company.
  • Become a Frost Growth Expert in your area of specialization and share your expertise and passion with the community through our Think Tanks.
  • Join Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Council and gain access to think tanks focused on transformational growth strategies for IoT and Edge.

Designate your company as a Company to Action to increase exposure to investors, new M&A opportunities, and other growth prospects for your business.

Act now to thrive in the face of industry transformation!

From Missed Opportunities to Action: Embracing the Power of IoT and Edge to Vanquish the Growth Gap

Pioneering the Future of Industries with IoT
The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge computing has unlocked a world of opportunities for enterprises seeking to optimize operations and enhance decision-making. By connecting devices, sensors, and machines into a cohesive IoT ecosystem, businesses can gather vast amounts of real-time data, enabling them to gain valuable insights, make data-driven decisions, and tap into latency-sensitive computing technologies. From remote monitoring, workflow automation, and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to supply chain optimization, personalized customer experiences (CX), 5G gamification, and ultra-high-definition content streaming, organizations are being pushed to innovate and embrace the transformative power of IoT and Edge technologies Which growth processes will empower your enterprise to navigate the intricacies of an evolving IoT value chain?

Now, the IoT revolution poses a risk to businesses that are resistant to change, exposing them to the threat of becoming victims of this transformation. Today, enterprises must strategically address emerging challenges on their quest to thrive in an ever-evolving digital ecosystem. Moreover, navigating the rapid pace of technical innovation across industries adds an additional layer of complexity, as businesses grapple to identify the right partnership strategies to build long-term IoT empowered revenue pipelines.

  • How will your teams thwart internal and external growth challenges in this sector to accelerate innovation?
  • What factors should you consider when evaluating different growth opportunities to ensure that they align with your IoT and Edge investment strategies?

Unlocking Your IoT and Edge Potential to Bridge the Growth Gap
With over 41.76 billion active IoT connected devices expected in 2023, IoT providers must be prepared to address growing demands across new verticals. Notably, there is a considerable gap between the total addressable market (TAM) and the serviceable available market (SAM) for IoT. This means that while the growth potential of IoT and Edge products/services is high, parts of this sector are still inaccessible to providers. Factors like inadequate technological readiness, infrastructure limitations, budget constraints, security and compliance concerns, and insufficient connectivity further widen this growth gap. This prompts several important questions for the various stakeholders in the IoT and Edge value chain:

  • Gauging IoT readiness: As IoT and Edge expand into various sectors, it becomes crucial to assess stakeholder readiness to embrace this disruptive technology. This will help providers tailor their IoT solution portfolios to meet industry-specific needs effectively – What processes will you use to measure IoT readiness in different customer/industry segments?
  • Building an IoT Ecosystem: To deliver scalable and flexible IoT architectures that accommodate evolving technologies, changing regulations, and increasing data volumes, providers are increasingly reliant on the collective power of coopetition – What collaborative strategies and ecosystem partnerships should your organization explore to deliver holistic IoT and Edge solution portfolios?
  • Simplifying System Integration: Designing, deploying, managing, and scaling a complex IoT system is resource and cost intensive. Moreover, compatibility hurdles and lack of standardization prevents providers from integrating solutions into existing IT/ OT systems with legacy infrastructure – How will you develop a resilient software, tools, and services strategy that simplifies system integration for your enterprise customers?

Enhancing Real-Time Responsiveness with IoT
The paradigm shift in data processing is intensifying the pressure on businesses to drive intelligent automation and enhance service delivery, making way for advanced applications in autonomous vehicles, smart cities, IIoT, telehealth, and smart factories – How will you evaluate new business models in IoT and Edge? Do you have an implementation plan to successfully monetize these?

Notably, telecom operators and service providers cannot implement and run IoT in silos. Identifying and acting on the right collaboration opportunities with other vertical players, specialized solution integrators, application developers, and cloud providers will help industry incumbents launch new value propositions to capitalize on IoT innovation.

  • How will you strategize to capitalize on the growth opportunities that MEC unleashes?
  • Underdeveloped MEC ecosystems in different verticals limit the number of available solutions and applications. Which providers can help you future-proof infrastructure in your vertical?

Are You Aligned for Success in IoT and Edge?
To navigate evolving business ecosystems, companies across the ICT continuum must identify and overcome crucial growth barriers. The key to success is finding the right opportunities that align with your growth vision and implementing the best-fit strategies. Frost & Sullivan has over six decades of experience in connecting global mega trends, emerging technologies, and new business models to drive radical growth.

Let us guide you through your transformation journey by working collaboratively with the ecosystem community of companies in the IoT and Edge continuum. This journey is fuelled by four powerful components, ensuring your success in navigating industry changes:

  • Schedule a Growth Dialog with our team to dive deeper into transformational strategies and explore specific needs within your company.
  • Become a Frost Growth Expert in your area of specialization and share your expertise and passion with the community through our Think Tanks.
  • Join Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Council and gain access to think tanks focused on transformational growth strategies for IoT and Edge.
  • Designate your company as a Company to Action to increase exposure to investors, new M&A opportunities, and other growth prospects for your business.

Start Your Transformation Journey Here>

The Power of Partnerships and Collaboration: Synergizing IoT and Edge for Growth

Paving the Way to Business Excellence Onboard the IoT and Edge Revolution
The digital landscape has historically witnessed three transformative computing revolutions: mainframe, client-server, and cloud computing. Today, as the natural progression of these milestones, the convergence of private networks, Internet of Things (IoT) and multi-access edge computing (MEC) is solidifying its position as a technological backbone for enterprises, reshaping the very essence of their operations. With the potential to grow at a CAGR of 115.9% by 2025, MEC brings data processing closer to the source, minimizing latency, and enabling real-time decision-making. By processing IoT data at network gateways or endpoints, enterprises can achieve faster response times, reduced bandwidth costs, enhanced security, and unlock near-instantaneous responsiveness. But due to the seemingly endless variety of IoT applications available, organizations find themselves grappling with the challenge of selecting best-fit solutions tailored to their unique business needs — Are your teams equipped with the optimal mix of connectivity and data processing platforms to drive smart decision making?

Armed with the ability to deliver reduced latencies, fortified security, agile data collection, and cost-efficiency, MEC brings a host of advantages to the table for enterprises of the future. Beyond the conventional realms of automation and process optimization, businesses now stand at the threshold of unexplored possibilities. From augmented product development and immersive customer experiences (CX) to remote asset monitoring, predictive maintenance, new business models, and autonomous robotics, the IoT and Edge landscape harbours a treasure trove of untapped potential, stemming from its solution-agnostic nature — How will your organization harness the transformative power of MEC to lead the charge in the race to industries of the future?

Capitalizing on New Realities of the IoT and Edge Continuum

  • Security and Surveillance: Smart security and connected surveillance systems leveraging IoT technologies are gaining traction for protecting critical assets across industries to create safer work environments – How will you integrate enhanced security alerts and emergency responses in your digital organization?
  • Industrial IoT: As businesses leverage IoT for industrial and smart manufacturing applications, cognitive computing and ubiquitous sensing are driving the shift toward Industry 4.0 and eventually, Industry5.0 – Are your teams ready to maximize interconnectivity of industrial assets to set new benchmarks in digital and lights-out manufacturing?
  • Enhanced CX: IoT sensors in combination with disruptive technologies are helping businesses digitize the physical world and quantify human actions – How will your organization leverage technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and cloud computing to predict, optimize, and enhance customer interaction?
  • 5G and Immersive Technologies: The rising demand for immersive experiences combined with advancements in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the evolution of 5G is creating new prospects for technology providers, network carriers, manufacturers, and software developers – Do you have a growth pipeline management system to identify and capitalize on the most lucrative growth opportunities for your organization?
  • Sustainability Agenda: As the circular economy gains prominence, companies are using the data from connected devices to further their sustainability goals, enhance end-of-life product management, and improve efficiencies in reverse logistics – Which best practices will help your teams meet your organization’s ESG (environmental, social, and governance) and SDG (sustainable development goals) priorities?

In this ever-evolving landscape, cross-industry enterprises are embarking on a journey to expand and amplify their IoT and MEC capabilities in pursuit of strategic business objectives. Now, unlocking the full potential of IoT and Edge requires thoughtful consideration on:

Collaborative Disruption: Driving Transformation Leveraging MEC
Now, capitalizing on the IoT and MEC transformation requires a comprehensive roadmap that goes beyond just adopting the latest technology. Embracing a holistic strategy that converges the vast landscape of IoT and MEC technologies with overall enterprise goals is essential for driving growth and innovation. Today, technology providers, network carriers, manufacturers, and software developers cannot implement and manage MEC in isolation from each other. This is opening doors for new strategic alliances that boost access to specialized expertise, resources, and a broader ecosystem of solutions. Pooling resources and knowledge, thus facilitates the creation of end-to-end, value-added IoT solutions that address specific industry challenges and drive substantial business outcomes — How will you foster optimal strategic partnerships that maximize the ROI on your IoT and MEC investments?

Now, the key to IoT success lies in identifying the right strategies that can set enterprises apart from competitors, by accelerating product development and fostering an environment of continuous learning and improvement. Answering the following questions can help industry incumbents maximize their IoT success:

  • IoT Providers How will you integrate AI and ML in your product portfolios to make data smarter?
  • Network Vendors How will you strategize to accelerate 5G deployments and MEC expansion to capitalize on growth opportunities in public and private networks?
  • Telecom Operators What platform innovation strategies will help you provide enhanced value-added services and consumer and enterprise applications?
  • Technology Developers Which IoT platforms support digital twin technologies? How best to integrate these into manufacturing solution portfolios?

Step into the Future: Assess Your IoT and Edge Alignment to Chart Transformational Growth
To navigate evolving business ecosystems, companies across the ICT continuum must identify and overcome crucial growth barriers. The key to success is finding the right opportunities that align with your growth vision and implementing the best-fit strategies. Frost & Sullivan has over six decades of experience in connecting global mega trends, emerging technologies, and new business models to drive radical growth. We help companies identify, evaluate, and prioritize best-fit opportunities that empower them to thrive through change.

Let us guide you through your transformation journey by working collaboratively with the ecosystem community of companies in the IoT and Edge continuum. This journey is fuelled by four powerful components, ensuring your success in navigating industry changes:

  • Schedule a Growth Dialog with our team to dive deeper into transformational strategies and explore specific needs within your company.
  • Become a Frost Growth Expert in your area of specialization and share your expertise and passion with the community through our Think Tanks.
  • Join Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Council and gain access to think tanks focused on transformational growth strategies for IoT and Edge.
  • Designate your company as a Company to Action to increase exposure to investors, new M&A opportunities, and other growth prospects for your business.

Start Your Transformation Journey Here

Companies to Action: Accelerating the IoT Transformation with Data-Driven Products and Services

Catalyzing Agility to Thrive in the Evolving IoT and Edge Ecosystem
Today, transformative megatrends in the Internet of Things (IoT) and edge technologies are compelling enterprises to pivot their growth strategies to stay competitive and relevant in the rapidly advancing digital landscape. For businesses and enterprises, this means more than just adopting new-age technologies; it’s about restructuring the very heart of conventional operations, business models, and workflows. This imperative to change is spurring innovation in the IoT ecosystem, creating new opportunities to connect previously siloed operations, devices, hardware, and platforms; digitize physical environments; and enable real-time analytics for intelligent decision-making at the edge. Now, the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and blockchain with multi-access edge computing (MEC) is empowering businesses to securely automate workflows, enable predictive maintenance/remote monitoring, and deliver personalized customer experience (CX) at scale.

  • How will your teams leverage innovative business models to supplement growth in the evolving IoT ecosystem?

Leading technology, software, and cloud providers are being pushed to collaborate and develop secure and flexible IoT platforms that enable enterprises to harness the power of data-driven decision making. Now, the ability to process and analyze data closer to where it’s generated, has become a game changer, intensifying the pressure on providers to augment real-time processing, minimize latency, and deliver faster insights, especially for mission-critical applications.

  • Are your teams equipped to better align your current IoT and MEC solution portfolios with evolving customer needs?

How Are Visionary Providers Channeling Innovation Amid the IoT and Edge Revolution?
The following trailblazers in IoT and MEC solutions are driving growth and innovation to meet evolving customer demands. They play a crucial role in helping business navigate growth barriers like the complexity of system integration, establishing robust cybersecurity strategies, decoding Big Data, maximizing interoperability with legacy systems, and managing the rising cost of connectivity. With the aid of cutting-edge hardware/software solutions, innovative connectivity options, and calculated growth strategies, these companies are paving the way for new opportunities in industrial automation, cybersecurity, massive IoT, immersive experiences, hybrid terrestrial/non-terrestrial networks (NTNs), and cellular IoT:

Do You Have What It Takes to Become a Trailblazer in the Evolving IoT Ecosystem?
The combination of IoT and MEC is revolutionizing various industries, enabling new applications over hyperconnected wireless networks. In a landscape marred by industry convergence, shifting regulatory mandates, and increasing data volumes, being recognized as a “Companies to Action” in the IoT and Edge ecosystem requires strategic vision and innovation. This entails delivering cutting-edge technologies, comprehensive solutions, and robust growth strategies to meet evolving customer needs with compelling go-to-market strategies.

  • Which business models and collaborative partnerships will help your teams accelerate innovation in IoT to maximize competitive differentiation?

About Frost & Sullivan
Frost & Sullivan, the growth pipeline company, enables clients to accelerate growth and achieve best-in-class industry positioning in terms of innovation and leadership. The company’s ‘Growth Pipeline-as-a-Service’ provides corporate management teams with transformational strategies and best-practice models that catalyze growth opportunity generation, evaluation, and implementation. Let us coach you on your transformational journey, while we actively support you in fostering collaborative initiatives within the global IoT and Edge ecosystem. This journey is fueled by four powerful components, ensuring your success in navigating dynamic business and industry landscapes.

  • Schedule a Growth Dialog with our team to dive deeper into transformational strategies and explore specific needs within your company.
  • Become a Frost Growth Expert in your area of specialization and share your expertise and passion with the community through our think tanks.
  • Join Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Council and become an integral member of a dynamic community focused on identifying growth opportunities and addressing critical challenges that influence industries.
  • Designate your company as a Companies to Action to maximize your exposure to investors, new M&A opportunities, and other growth prospects.

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