Over the last 6 years, the oil and gas industry has witnessed major volatility. We have experienced $100 oil; and most recently, price fluctuated between $25 and (below) zero. In response to the disruptions, operators and service companies have culled their ranks in the name of efficiency. With much energy technology talent on the sidelines (not employed by the energy majors), we are seeing a groundswell of start-ups and innovative technology companies ready to help change the stodgy culture that has existed in energy for the past decade. In order to survive, the oil and gas industry must dramatically eliminate costs and improve the recovery rates through the adoption of radically new solutions and digital technologies. While some oil and gas companies are developing these innovations themselves, each must invest, acquire, or partner with start-up companies to accelerate this change.

Frost & Sullivan’s Oil & Gas Innovation Council invites those looking to benefit from innovation and disruption within the energy and oil & gas technology industries to join Rasholeen Nakra, a Frost & Sullivan Senior Industry Analyst, and a panel of Calgary-based start-up companies that will showcase their solutions, impacts on the industry, and their journeys to investment and widespread industry adoption.


1.) ENERSOFT is a leader in high-resolution geoscience and optimization of oil and gas extraction. Enersoft uses robots and AI to scan rocks from core and cuttings to give customers critical insight into their reservoirs.

2.) HIFI ENGINEERING was founded in 2007, Hifi Engineering is fiber optic sensing based technology service provider. Hifi is a member of the Fiber Optic Sensing Association (FOSA) and provides a next generation, specialized fiber optic sensing technology marketed as High Fidelity Distributed Sensing, or HDS™. Partly funded by Enbridge, Cenovus, and BDC, Hifi provided preventative pipeline leak detection along with a variety of value added operational applications using highly sensitive fiber optic sensing and machine learning software.

3.) INDUSTRIAL CLIMATE SOLUTIONS – many industrial processes require gas-to-liquid contact, including emission scrubbers, pre- and post-combustion CO2 capture, and chemical reactors. Industrial Climate Solutions’ froth-based contactor equipment is a step-change in mass-transfer technology, self-cleaning, and one-fifth of the size of traditional absorbers, enabling the next generation of climate solutions.

4.) SAWBACK TECHNOLOGIES is ground penetrating radar technology services that deliver on safety, time efficiency and environmental conservation. All three. All at once. Used for tasks like finding, mapping, and identifying buried objects, Sawback’s near-surface data collection and analysis solution gives the complete picture, without touching the ground.


  • Discover start-up companies that are providing innovative solutions to the energy industry
  • Hear real success stories and pain points from start-ups
  • Join a roundtable of Council Members as they interact with the presenting companies


Out of the abundance of security caution, you will only be allowed to remain in the session if your name is in our attendance roster. Please e-mail krystal.contreras@frost.com for the formal calendar invitation, to ensure your name is added to our attendance roster. To further assist in this matter, please adjust your username to reflect your first & last name when joining the meeting.


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Senior Industry Analyst, 
Upstream & Start-Ups



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